Operations Research

Prescriptive Analytics

Have you ever asked, How to optimize your commercial process with Mathematical Optimization (field: Operations Research)?

Operations Research is an old field that have had improved many industries around the world with the use of mathematics, it helps to model a real problem with an objective function and constrains associated to it.

In this post, I would show how you can run an optimization problem from R using the integration with AMPL (Optimization software). To get more details about this integration, please follow this link


In order to install rAMPL it is important to have the lastest version of RTools installed. Getting started session from AMPL webiste.

As long as , used renv for building my blog I use the following code:

renv::install("Rcpp", type="source")
renv::install("", repos=NULL, INSTALL_opts=c("--no-multiarch", "--no-staged-install"))

rAMPL manage Class structure

The idea behind this package is to manage the optimization problem as an instance of a class.

That means a variable with the content of the class needs to be created. This object will contains the structure of the problem, each time the user need to introduces
information. For example: the optimization formulation is build in the eval method or loaded from a .mod file.

In case you struggle with this concept of classes, you can check the post Data Structures with R6Class

# env <- new(Environment, "full path to the AMPL installation directory")
ampl <- new(AMPL, env)
ampl$eval("var x;")
ampl$eval("maximize z: x;")
ampl$eval("subject to c: x<=10;")

x <- ampl$getVariable("x")

HiGHS 1.7.0: HiGHS 1.7.0: optimal solution; objective 10
0 simplex iterations
0 barrier iterations
# # At this point x$value() evaluates to 10
print(x$value())  # prints 10
[1] 10

Assign clients to commercials

In a previous job, I worked as the responsible of commercials campaigns and one task was to assign the clients to the commercials having into account some constrains; such as:

  1. Monthly capacity by hierarchy
  2. One client had to be attended by one salesperson
  3. One commercial with XX knowledge could not attend one client that would requires attention on KK.

This task was done with excel creating pivot tables and crossing them and counting manually which client was assigned and tried to reach the capacity constrain. Nevertheless, this problem is a classic problem to be solved with operations research.


n_clients <- 84
n_commercials <- 4
n_campaigns <- 4
n_rol <- 3


The data used was generated using R and stored in dataframes. AMPL can read dataframes, so it is not need of having the data vectorized, as for example, in ompr package.

This table has the list of workers in sales. For each person, contains the rol, the conversion_rate (average), and capacity in the month.

commercials <- data.frame(
  "seller_id" = sample(1:n_commercials, replace = FALSE),
  "rol" = 1:n_commercials %>% 
        sample(LETTERS[1:n_rol],1,replace = TRUE)
      }) %>% 
  "convertion_rate" = sample(20:100, n_commercials, replace = FALSE) / 100
  ) %>% 
      "rol" = LETTERS[1:n_rol],
      "capacity" = 1:n_rol %>% 
            sample(10:20,1,replace = FALSE)
          }) %>% 
    by = "rol"
commercials %>% arrange(seller_id) %>% DT::datatable()

This table has the list of clients and campaigns to be offer.

clients <- data.frame(
  "client_id" = sample(1:n_clients,replace = FALSE),
  "campaign" = 1 %>% purrr::map(function(x){
    paste("campaign_",sample(1:n_campaigns, n_clients, replace = TRUE),sep = "")
  }) %>% unlist()
) %>% 
      "campaign" = paste0("campaign_", sample(1:n_campaigns, n_campaigns, replace = FALSE)),
      "benefit" = 1:n_campaigns %>% 
            sample(100:1000, 1, replace = FALSE)
          }) %>% 
    by = "campaign"
clients %>% arrange(client_id) %>% DT::datatable()

This table has which role can attend each campaign.

campaigns <- data.frame(
  "campaign" = paste("campaign_",1:n_campaigns,sep = ""),
  "rol" = 1:(n_campaigns) %>% purrr::map(function(x){
    sample(LETTERS[1:n_rol],1,replace = TRUE)
  }) %>% unlist()
) %>% distinct()

campaigns %>% arrange(rol) %>% DT::datatable()

Finally, the previous tables are joined to check data before start modelling.

finnal <- clients %>% 
  left_join(campaigns, by = "campaign") %>% 
  left_join(commercials, by = "rol") %>% 
  mutate(benefit = benefit * convertion_rate)
Warning in left_join(., commercials, by = "rol"): Detected an unexpected many-to-many relationship between `x` and `y`.
ℹ Row 4 of `x` matches multiple rows in `y`.
ℹ Row 2 of `y` matches multiple rows in `x`.
ℹ If a many-to-many relationship is expected, set `relationship =
  "many-to-many"` to silence this warning.
finnal %>% DT::datatable(filter = 'top')


Now it is time to model, it is a good practice (even in AMPL) to have the .model, .data and .run files separated in one folder. As I build here the data, I just create the data as vectors for sets or scalar parameters or dataframes for tables

## Build data to pass AMPL Model

### sets
Clients <- distinct(finnal, client_id)[,1]
Commercials <- distinct(finnal, seller_id)[,1]
### paramets associated to commercial
capacities <- distinct(finnal, seller_id, capacity)[,2]
### parameter associated to client and commercial
benefit <- select(finnal, client_id, seller_id, benefit) %>% 
  tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = seller_id, values_from = benefit) %>% 
  mutate(across(where(is.numeric), ~tidyr::replace_na(.x, 1))) %>% 
  tidyr::pivot_longer(!client_id, names_to = "seller_id", values_to = "benefit") %>% 
  mutate(seller_id = as.numeric(seller_id))

## .run 
ampl <- new(AMPL, env) # Create class ampl

# Setting solver to be used. Due to limit license (max 300 vars or contrains), 
# I change to HiGHS solver, allowed with AMPL CE..
# an open source solver.

#reading model written in .mod file (AMPL)
ampl$read("models/assign.mod") # Read model located in folder models

# Defines sets data and parameters.

ampl$setData(data.frame(Clients = Clients), 1, "Clients") 
  data.frame(Commercials = Commercials, capacity = capacities), 
ampl$setData(benefit, 2, "")

HiGHS 1.7.0: HiGHS 1.7.0: optimal solution; objective 15727.92
10 simplex iterations
1 branching nodes
## Get objective solution
cat(sprintf("Objective: %f\n", ampl$getObjective("Profit")$value()))
Objective: 15727.920000
# Get the values of the variable assign in a data.frame
df <- ampl$getVariable("assign")$getValues()

df <- df %>% 
    seller_id = index1,
    client_id = index0,
    solution = assign.val
  ) %>% 
  mutate(solution = round(solution))


Contains the formulation of the problem written in AMPL language.


set Clients;
set Commercials;

param capacity {Commercials} > 0;
param benefit {Clients, Commercials} >= 0;

var assign {Clients, Commercials} binary;

maximize Profit:
  sum {i in Clients, j in Commercials} benefit[i,j] * assign[i,j];
subject to Supply {i in Clients}:
  sum {j in Commercials} assign[i,j] <= 1;
subject to capacity_constrain {j in Commercials}:
  sum {i in Clients} assign[i,j] <= capacity[j];

Some clients were not assigned due to capacity of the sales force.

df %>% 
  DT::datatable(filter = 'top')
df %>% 
  group_by(seller_id) %>% 
  summarise(num_clients = sum(solution)) %>% 
  DT::datatable(filter = 'top')
df %>% 
  group_by(client_id) %>% 
  summarise(num_commercials = sum(solution)) %>% 
  DT::datatable(filter = 'top')

Thanks for reading, Hope this would be helpfull for you or your organization.