Data Structures with R6Class

Data Structures
Implement data structures with R6Class

Data Structures

This post is oriented to create classes that recreates data structures and explanaition for each. Knowing this may help you improve as a programmer because is the basic of each language you would work R, python, c, javascript, others..

Data structures to work with:

  • Arrays
  • LinkedLists
  • Hashtable
  • Stacks
  • Queues
  • Trees
  • Graphs

R manages dinamics vectors, this means that one index can be added to an existed vector. For the purpose of this blog I would create a class R6Class to simmulate an Array. Within this array, you would be able to get an index, push a new item at the end, pop last item, delete an index.

myarray <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "myarray",
  public = list(
    initialize = function() {
      self$array_length <- 0
      self$array_data <- c()
    array_length = NULL,
    array_data = NULL,
    get_value = function(index) {
    push = function(value) {
      self$array_data[self$array_length + 1] = value
      self$array_length <- length(self$array_data)
    pop = function() {
      lastItem <- self$array_data[self$array_length]
      self$array_data <- self$array_data[-self$array_length]
      self$array_length <- length(self$array_data)
    delete = function(index) {
      self$array_data <- self$array_data[-index]
      self$array_length <- length(self$array_data)
myarray = myarray$new()

LinkedLists are a set of nodes (that contains information related to where the data is stored in pc memory (pointers) and which node is next or previous). Until my understanding, R does not have linkedList in its implementation, list are manage as vectors or arrays. There exists 2 types or linked lists, one is single which it has just one direction and double which has two directions.

Nevertheless, let’s implement an double linkedList with R6Class:

my_Linked_List <- R6::R6Class(
  classname = "linkedList",
  public = list(
    # Initialize with the first value of the linkedList, .next would be NULL
    initialize = function(value) {
      self$list_pointer <- list(new.env())
      self$list_pointer[[1]]$value <- value
      self$index_head <- 1
      self$index_tail <- 1
      self$list_pointer[[1]]$index_next <- NULL
      self$list_pointer[[1]]$index_prev <- NULL
    list_pointer = NULL,
    index_head = NULL,
    index_tail = NULL,
    # next is an used variable from R.
    get_index = function(index) {
      if (self$index_tail < index) stop("index not created yet!")
    insert = function(value) {
      self$list_pointer <- self$list_pointer %>%
      self$index_tail <- self$index_tail + 1
      self$list_pointer[[self$index_tail]]$index_prev <-
        self$list_pointer[[self$index_tail - 1]]
      self$list_pointer[[self$index_tail - 1]]$index_next <-
      self$list_pointer[[self$index_tail]]$value <- value
      self$list_pointer[[self$index_tail]]$index_next <- NULL