About me

(a) MSc in Statistics and Operation Research
(b) Travelling
Figure 1: Happy moments

My name is Andrés Felipe Insuasty Ch. (Please call me: Insu),

I am from Cali, Colombia. Capital of salsa dancing 💃, full of tastes in its food, beauty of the people and great parties or festivals .

On 2022 I got married in Pasto, Colombia with Klaudia from Poland, On 23rd of September 2022, I turned 32 years in Bogotá. Same year, on November 21st, I became a happy full time dad of Oliver.

Check my resume for professional information


All would be uploaded to my GitHub


Some fun facts about me:

  • I used to practice Karate , Soccer .

  • I love biking and jogging.

  • Love dancing Salsa

  • Learning to take pictures Check my Instagram 📷

  • Some cooking recipies explained by me:

  1. Racuchy de Manzana, Polish recipy 🍎😋
  • Travelling a lot around the world✈️🚄

Thanks for reading!