Chapter 1 - AMPL Book

Linear programming
Solution to exercises in Chapter 1

Hi Folks!

Since my bachelor degree I always wanted to resolved the exercises of AMPL’s book, In my course I studied with AMPL and in my master I also used AMPL, I find it very easy to get into operation research world!.

Have fun with me during solving some exercises from the book, I have used the API’s that AMPL is giving us, so some problems are solved using python and others with R.

I tried to keep the original model and data in different files and folders. When a model requires to be changed, I do it using the ampl API.

0. Installing rAMPL and amplpy


renv::install("", repos=NULL, INSTALL_opts=c("--no-multiarch", "--no-staged-install"))


In order to use the free license of ampl community, it is required to input the license number after –uuid.

system2(reticulate::py_exe(), c("-m", "amplpy.modules", "install", "highs"))
system2(reticulate::py_exe(), c("-m", "amplpy.modules", "run", "amplkey", "activate", "--UUID"))
system2(reticulate::py_exe(), c("-m", "amplpy.modules", "run", "ampl", "-vvq"))


1. Optimize advertising campaigns (rAMPL)

The objective of this exercise is to chose the number of units to purchase in each channel to advertise. Let’s figure out together how to do it.

Setting a new environment for make the conection through the API with AMPL

a. Subjetct to budget

# creating vectors with information
units <- c("tv_mins", "magazine_pages")
cost <- c(20000, 10000)
reach <- c(1.8, 1)
min_units <- c(10, 1)

# Loading class and setting solver
ampl <- new(AMPL, env)

ampl$eval("param p_budget := 1000000;")
# Loading model
ampl$read("models/1.1 Advertising_campaigns.mod")

# Setting Data
    units = units, 
    cost = cost, 
    reach = reach, 
    min_units = min_units
  ), 1, "units"
# Formulation
ampl$eval("var buy{u in units} >= min_units[u];")
ampl$eval("maximize Audience: sum {u in units} buy[u] * reach[u];")
ampl$eval("subject to budget: sum {u in units} buy[u] * cost[u] <= p_budget;")

HiGHS 1.7.0: HiGHS 1.7.0: optimal solution; objective 98
0 simplex iterations
0 barrier iterations
          index0 buy.val
1 magazine_pages      80
2        tv_mins      10

b. Adding constraint time needed to build campaign

units <- c("tv_mins", "magazine_pages")
cost <- c(20000, 10000)
reach <- c(1.8, 1)
min_units <- c(10, 1)
person_weeks <- c(1, 3)

# loading class and setting solver
ampl <- new(AMPL, env)

# Adding parameters
ampl$eval("param p_budget := 1000000;")
ampl$eval("param max_person_weeks := 100;")
# loading model
ampl$read("models/1.1 advertising_campaigns.mod") # read model located in folder models

# setting data
    units = units, 
    cost = cost, 
    reach = reach, 
    min_units = min_units,
    person_weeks = person_weeks
  ), 1, "units"
# formulation
ampl$eval("var buy{u in units} >= min_units[u];")
ampl$eval("maximize audience: sum {u in units} buy[u] * reach[u];")
ampl$eval("subject to budget: sum {u in units} buy[u] * cost[u] <= p_budget;")
ampl$eval("subject to capacity: sum {u in units} buy[u] * person_weeks[u] <= max_person_weeks;")

HiGHS 1.7.0: HiGHS 1.7.0: optimal solution; objective 92
2 simplex iterations
0 barrier iterations
          index0 buy.val
1 magazine_pages      20
2        tv_mins      40

c. Adding channel radio

Model keeps the same as previous, but data changes.

# Adding channel to data
units <- c("tv_mins", "magazine_pages", "radio_min")
cost <- c(20000, 10000, 2000)
reach <- c(1.8, 1, 0.25)
min_units <- c(10, 1, 1)
person_weeks <- c(1, 3, 1/7)

# loading class and setting solver
ampl <- new(AMPL, env)

ampl$eval("param p_budget := 1000000;")
ampl$eval("param max_person_weeks := 100;")
# loading model
ampl$read("models/1.1 advertising_campaigns.mod") # read model located in folder models

# setting data
    units = units, 
    cost = cost, 
    reach = reach, 
    min_units = min_units,
    person_weeks = person_weeks
  ), 1, "units"
# formulation
ampl$eval("var buy{u in units} >= min_units[u];")
ampl$eval("maximize audience: sum {u in units} buy[u] * reach[u];")
ampl$eval("subject to budget: sum {u in units} buy[u] * cost[u] <= p_budget;")
ampl$eval("subject to capacity: sum {u in units} buy[u] * person_weeks[u] <= max_person_weeks;")

HiGHS 1.7.0: HiGHS 1.7.0: optimal solution; objective 117.75
1 simplex iterations
0 barrier iterations
          index0 buy.val
1 magazine_pages       1
2      radio_min     395
3        tv_mins      10

2. Steel model with changes (amplpy)

Before solving execises, let’s review steel4 model explained in the chapter.

Steel4 model

from amplpy import AMPL, modules
modules.load() # load all modules
ampl = AMPL() # instantiate AMPL object}
ampl.option["solver"] = "highs""models/steel_original.mod") # read model located in folder models
ampl.read_data("data/steel_original.dat") # read dat located in folder models
HiGHS 1.7.0: HiGHS 1.7.0: optimal solution; objective 190071.4286
2 simplex iterations
0 barrier iterations
df = ampl.getVariable("Make").getValues()
   index0    |   Make.val  
  'bands'    | 3357.142857142858
  'coils'    |     500     
  'plate'    | 3142.857142857143

Model developed in AMPL


set PROD; # products
set STAGE; # stages

param rate {PROD,STAGE} > 0; # tons per hour in each stage
param avail {STAGE} >= 0; # hours available/week in each stage
param profit {PROD}; # profit per ton
param commit {PROD} >= 0; # lower limit on tons sold in week
param market {PROD} >= 0; # upper limit on tons sold in week
var Make {p in PROD} >= commit[p], <= market[p]; # tons produced

maximize Total_Profit: sum {p in PROD} profit[p] * Make[p];
# Objective: total profits from all products

subject to Time {s in STAGE}:
sum {p in PROD} (1/rate[p,s]) * Make[p] <= avail[s];

# In each stage: total of hours used by all
# products may not exceed hours available

Data input in AMPL


set PROD := bands coils plate;
set STAGE := reheat roll;

param rate: reheat roll :=
  bands 200 200
  coils 200 140
  plate 200 160 ;

param: profit commit market :=
  bands 25 1000 6000
  coils 30 500 4000
  plate 29 750 3500 ;

param avail := reheat 35 roll 40 ;

a. Change constrain to equal

As the objective functions is a maximization, the problem would try to achive the equality as their is not another constraint. Therefore, changing the equality from <= to = does not change the result.

subject to Time {s in STAGE}:
sum {p in PROD} (1/rate[p,s]) * Make[p] = avail[s];

b. Max total weigth contraint

Adding a new constraint to put a upper bound to the variable Make.

# Loading class and setting solver
ampl = AMPL() # instantiate AMPL object
ampl.option["solver"] = "highs"

# Load model and data"models/steel_original.mod") # read model located in folder models
ampl.read_data("data/steel_original.dat") # read dat located in folder models

## Adding new constraint to limit tons manufactured.
ampl.eval("param max_weight := 6500;")
ampl.eval("subject to MaxWeight: sum {p in PROD} Make[p] <= max_weight;")

# Solving problem
HiGHS 1.7.0: HiGHS 1.7.0: optimal solution; objective 183791.6667
3 simplex iterations
0 barrier iterations
df = ampl.getVariable("Make").getValues()
   index0    |   Make.val  
  'bands'    | 1541.666666666667
  'coils'    | 1458.333333333333
  'plate'    |     3500    

c. Produce as many tons as possible

The idea behind increase number of tons is to keep the objective functions, nevertheless, without the params profit.


maximize tons: sum {p in PROD} Make[p];
# Objective: total profits from all products


d. Lower bounds as constraints.

In this exercise we are asked to change the minimum of the tons make for each product, therefore, we required to redeclare the var to delete the lower bound.

# import  libraries
import pandas as pd

# Loading class and setting solver
ampl = AMPL() # instantiate AMPL object
ampl.option["solver"] = "highs"

# Load model and data"models/steel_original.mod") # read model located in folder models
ampl.read_data("data/steel_original.dat") # read dat located in folder models

## Changing in formulation
ampl.eval("param shares {PROD};")

# Creation of a list to input ampl
shares_list = {"bands": 0.4, "coils": 0.1, "plate": 0.4}

# Inputing the list into the param shares created
ampl.param["shares"] = {PROD: shares for PROD, (shares) in shares_list.items()}

# Redeclare var Make to delete lower bound
ampl.eval("redeclare var Make {p in PROD} <= market[p];")

# Create a new constraint with the lower bound by product
ampl.eval("subject to min_shares {j in PROD}: Make[j] >= shares[j] * sum {k in PROD} Make[k];")

# Solving problem
HiGHS 1.7.0: HiGHS 1.7.0: optimal solution; objective 189700
5 simplex iterations
0 barrier iterations
df = ampl.getVariable("Make").getValues()
   index0    |   Make.val  
  'bands'    |     3500    
  'coils'    |     700     
  'plate'    |     2800    